VANILLA BEANS > 양념향신료 효능

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작성자 Angel 댓글 0건 조회 1,461회 작성일 13-12-06 12:34


Vanilla is a flavoring derived from orchids of the genus Vanilla native to Mexico. Etymologically, vanilla derives from the Spanish word "vainilla", little pod. Originally cultivated by Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican peoples, Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés is credited with introducing both the spice and chocolate to Europe in the 1520s
Origin: Madagascar
Use: Split the bean lengthwise put it in a bottle of vodka and there you have your all natural vanilla extract, scrape out the inside of the pod and add it to milk sugar and yolks to make a delicious Crème Anglaise or Crème Brulée, etc


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